Is spray foam insulation the right product for my application?

Spray foam insulation can be used anywhere in your home or building. While spray foam may cost more up front, it pays for itself through increased energy savings, air quality improvements, noise reduction and overall increased strength of building components. Spray Foam is the best insulation material to control both air leakage and moisture thus stopping mold growth.

How much does spray foam cost?

Insulating foams vary in price depending on many factors including:

  • Area to Spray
  • Desired R-Value or Thickness
  • Amount of Masking or Cover Up
  • Tolerances (how much shaving and clean up)
  • Degree of Difficulty
Is spray foam insulation a vapour barrier?

A vapour barrier or retarder is what controls the flow of moisture in your wall or ceiling assembly. In most cases the spray foam is your vapour barrier. In all fiberglass batt applications, however, the vapour barrier used is ‘6 mil poly’.

The problem with tradition poly is that it’s on the wrong side in the summer. Moisture drive comes from the warm side, inside in the winter and outside in the summer. When you do not control the flow of moisture from the outside, the moisture typically condenses on the backside of the internal vapour barrier – this can lead to mould and rot. Because polyurethane foam is its own vapour barrier and controls air leakage better than any other insulation product, you will not have any issues with mold or rotting wood from an inadequate vapour barrier.

Are there any Fire Protection requirements when using polyurethane foam?

Yes all spray foam and plastic insulations like styrofoam/polystyrene and other foam boards need to be protected with a thermal barrier. Drywall and cement board are thermal barriers.

Can I make my house too tight?

Building scientists and engineers advise to build a tight home so that the occupants can control the indoor air quality and are not influenced by outdoor pollution and allergens. Mechanical and ventilation equipment are a much better way to ensure the best indoor air quality is achieved. Using traditional fiberglass batt insulation is antiquated and only filters the dust coming through the walls; they also can put potentially harmful fibers in the air of your home.